Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rhythm of the Year

There is definitely a rhythm to the school year. The beginning of the year is hectic and exciting as you try to figure out and train students who for the most part try to do what you ask them to do. By the end of October, you've generally got your routine down and the kids know what they are supposed to do, but everbody's starting to get tired. After Thanksgiving, it's downhill until January. Everybody's exhausted--teachers and students alike...the newness of it all has worn off, motivation wanes and the winter darkness and cold weather puts a damper on everything...I could go on but I want to wait till the rest of the year comes to characterize it. But one last comment, I think part of being an effective educator is being able to anticipate the rhythm of each season and plan accordingly...maybe the same could be said for life in general as well.


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